
To run the app right now, you will need to not only run this, but run a branch of kitsune that lives here. You can either apply the patch in your source tree or check out from there and setup kitsune.


You will need a machine that has git, Python 2.7, and pip. This has currently only been tested on Linux (Xubuntu 13.04).


After you have git and Python 2.7 (no less or greater), clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd osumo

It is highly recommended that you setup a virtual environment via your favourate method. After that, install the requirements:

$ pip install requirements.txt

You will need a file. This file can override things in Specifically, we need to override the some paths for development. A good template is as follows:

DEBUG = True


BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:5291/'
SUMO_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'

For the above, please note that BASE_URL is the URL that you want to view your app in (it will error if you view it from a different URL!) and SUMO_URL is either an instance of kitsune running on your computer or if it is deployed, you can leave it out.

To finally run the app:

$ python

Follow the link you set as BASE_URL in your browser to view.

Generating locales

To work with locales, you need make installed on your computer. If you don’t want that, you can take a look at the Makefile to see the commands for generation.

If you worked on the interface and added some new strings, it is a good idea to regenerate the po files for translation. You can do that by going to the osumo root directory and run:

$ make po

If you did some translation in the po files and need to update that back into the app, run:

$ make locale_js


Right now osumo is deployed onto Stackato via gunicorn. In order to do this, you need to setup a new osumo instance via Stackato and run:

$ ./

That should take care of deployment on Stackato.

One thing to note is that you probably need a to override the setting for DEBUG and BASE_URL. The stackato.yml file currently ignores that file so you might want to delete it from the ignore pattern.

If you want to deploy on other platforms, it should be fairly simple as you can install all the dependencies and run gunicorn -b <IP>:<PORT> osumo:app.

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